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  Beginning in 1918, the year of the deadliest

subway accident in the history of the MTA
that killed 93 people, a phenomenon began taking
place on the Manhattan east side Number 6 train
which runs uptown to downtown.
  On 28 occasions over a more than forty-year period, people reported random persons simply vanishing without a trace. These events always occurred  as the subway train passed between the Canal Street and Worth Street stations. The passengers would always reportedly be in one of the first three cars. In other cases passengers reported seeing momentary flashes of people who would appear for a few seconds and then disappear again. Witnesses always said the people in the flashes had horrified looks on their faces. Additionally, the apparitions were often dressed “out of the period,” from the 1900’s through the early 1960’s.
    Even though missing person reports were filed,
a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request     
to the city of New York turned up no official         
documented witnesses which makes it difficult to
build a link between the missing. All of the dis-   
appearances have occurred during interruptions
in the train’s lighting. This would take place         
during the intermittent power strikes caused as   
the train passed over dead spots in the electrified
track. When the subway car lights would flicker,  
the person would either disappear or reappear    
and be from a different period in the span between 1918-1962.                                                       
  The names of the missing have never been released because the City of New York refuses to confirm or deny  anything has ever happened. Our FOIA has turned up no police reports even though we are confident they must have once existed.

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